Calendar of Events
NOTE: Some dates are approximate. Some of the activities may have finished earlier, but the dates recorded are when it was witnessed or reliably reported.
July 2012:
25/07/2012 - Fixing invoice arrives
June 2012:
07/06/2012 - Lock-up invoice arrives
08/06/2012 - Electrical rough in finished; plumbing rough in finished
09/06/2012 - Internal insulation installed
May 2012:
12/05/2012 - Roof finished; majority of windows in; weatherboards started
09/05/2012 - Roof on; windows in; and sisalation started
06/05/2012 - Guttering and fascias finished; windows on site
April 2012:
17/04/2012 - Roof trusses started
05/04/2012 - Framing starts
March 2012:
30/03/2012 - Floor joists completed
23/03/2012 - Stumping finished
20/03/2012 - Stumping begins
19/03/2012 - Holes for stumps are dug out
January 2012:
End Jan 2012 - Official start
11/01/2012 - Portaloo arrives on site
November 2011:
30/11/2011 - Colour up appointment
October 2011:
07/10/2011 - Loan is formally approved (again!)
September 2011:
24/09/2011 - Final contract signed with Keogh
August 2012:
31/08/2011 - Received plans from Keogh
July 2011:
23/07/2011 - Further deposit paid to Keogh for contract preparation
04/07/2011 - Received initial quotation from Keogh
June 2011:
18/06/2011 - Second meeting with Keogh Homes - initial deposit paid
04/06/2011 - Rejected Premier counter-offer; Initial meeting with Keogh Homes
02/06/2011 - Received Premier counter-offer
May 2011:
31/05/2011 - Notified Premier that we do not wish to proceed with Onley
15/05/2011 - Amendments in Onley contract submitted via Premier sales rep
13/05/2011 - Pick up revised Onley contract
10/05/2011 - Notified that Romeo Homes will no longer be completing our build
04/05/2011 - Notified that construction loan has been formally approved
April 2011:
22/04/2011 - Second site cut done to clear vegetation and tidy up the edges
14/04/2011 - Contract, plans and specifications certified for bank and FHOG
11/04/2011 - Variation to final contract signed
02/04/2011 - Final contract signed with Premier & Romeo Homes
February 2011:
13/02/2011 - Preliminary Contract received and further deposit paid
October 2010:
26/10/2010 - First site cut completed
23/10/2010 - Signed Preliminary Building Agreement with Premier
16/10/2010 - Initial deposit paid for plan with Premier
July 2010:
Land settles
May 2010:
31/05/2010 - Offer accepted for land purchase